Monday, January 14, 2008

The Art of Kissing

Smoooooooch! Yes, this site is dedicated entirely to the art of kissing. The photo shows a boy getting ready to kiss his girlfriend. Notice that as he approaches, his nose passes to the side of his girlfriend's nose. According to recent research conducted by a German psychologist, most people (66 percent) turn their head to the right when kissing so that the noses don't bump. This kiss appears in our new DVD The Art of Kissing. If you love to kiss, you owe it to yourself to see this DVD.

Part 1 - HOW TO KISS:

01. How to act on a date
02. How to flirt
03. How to tell if someone wants to be kissed
04. How to get boys to kiss you, how to get girls to kiss you, should you wear lipstick
05. The first kiss
06. The lip kiss
07. The shy kiss
08. How to practice a kiss
09. Should you kiss with your eyes open or closed
10. The mirror kiss
11. The talking kiss
12. The laughing kiss
13. The eye kiss
14. The biting kiss
15. What to do with your hands
16. The A-frame mistake
17. The make-up kiss
18. The ear kiss
19. The phone kiss
20. The neck kiss
21. The eskimo kiss
22. The electric kiss
23. The candy kiss
24. The sliding kiss
25. The wet kiss
26. The hollywood kiss
27. Bad boys
28. Kissing sessions, or How to make out
29. Lip-o-suction
30. The teasing kiss
31. The butterfly kiss
32. The public kiss
33. The music kiss
34. The upside-down kiss
35. The vacuum kiss
36. The french kiss (also treated in more detail in part 2)
37. The trobriand islands kiss
38. The car kiss
39. Kissing advice - how to give a hickey
40. Credits

01. What is a french kiss
02. What can go wrong during a french kiss
03. How to practice a french kiss
04. Why does a french kiss feel good
05. How do I get boys to french kiss me
06. How do I get boys to stop french kissing me
07. How do I get girls to french kiss me
08. What can I do with my tongue
09. What are some tricks I can do while french kissing
10. How should I move my hands while french kissing
11. How should I snuggle while french kissing
12. How long should a french kiss last
13. How can I improve my french kisses

Part 3 - Extras and Outtakes including four kisses not available on video

01. The androgynous kiss
02. The spanking kiss
03. The lip kiss (detailed advanced version)
04. The hand kiss
05. At the corral
06. Jessica gets hit in the head by the camera
07. William Cane''''s books
08. Original trailer for HOW TO KISS
09. Original trailer for HOW TO FRENCH KISS

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Chester said...

HapiBlogging to you my friend! Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....