Friday, October 26, 2007

Visual C# 2005 How to Program, Second Edition

What's New In This Edition

This edition incorporates an easy-to-follow, carefully developed early classes and early objects approach with comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals of object-oriented programming. It includes a new, optional automated teller machine (ATM) case study that teaches the fundamentals of software engineering and object-oriented design with the
UMLT 2.0. There are additional integrated case studies throughout the book including: the Time class, the Employee class and the GradeBook class. We provide discussions of more advanced topics such as XML, ASP.NET, ADO.NET and Web services as well as new topic coverage of partial classes, generics, the My namespace and Visual Studio 2005's updated debugger features.

Reviewer Comments on Visual C# 2005 How to Program, 2/e
"The Good Programming Practices, Common Programming Errors, and Software Engineering Observations provide a solid foundation of programming principles for all students of C#." -Mike O'Brien, State of California Employee Development Department

"C# How To Program follows the Deitel's proven technique of teaching through demonstrative examples accompanied by clear discussion. The book uses an early object approach to assist the beginning learner in acquiring the fundamental object-oriented programming techniques required for more advanced topics. Later chapters cover advanced topics including Web programming and Web services, data structures, networking, and database programming. The text is supported with an [optional] ongoing ATM software engineering case study that contextualizes the programming material and provides an applied introduction to UML. This is a textbook that will be well worth the student's money even after a course has finished." -Gavin Osborne, Saskatchewan Institute

"Programmers' productivity is directly related to the tools they use and their knowledge of those tools. This chapter [2] gives programmers all the details they need to start using the VS IDE." -John Varghese, UBS Warburg

"An excellent combination of C#, UML and pseudocode that leads the reader to create good applications and well designed algorithms, using the best practices! Few books mix all of this so well. Great idea and great work!" -Jose Antonio Seco, Adalucia's Parlamient, Spain

"Chapter 19 presents comprehensive approach to the vast world of XML." -Vijay Cinnakonda, TrueCommerce, Inc.

"Chapter 20 presents a very good introduction to the relational database model and basic SQL. Outstanding description of data binding and how to use it. Clear and simple introduction of how to convert data to XML." -Mike O'Brien, State of California Employee Development Department
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